At Whitelotus, we mix knowledge and experience to work as a value added product engineering team to design and build your disruptive digital products in an absolutely efficient way.
At Whitelotus, we mix knowledge and experience to work as a value added product engineering team to design and build your disruptive digital products in an absolutely efficient way.
Our backend engineers implements server side business logic that powers your web application or mobile app ensuring proper data synchronization via secured web APIs.
Our experience in content management system covers developing dynamic B2B or B2C websites, corporate Web portals and blogs for every business needs.
We empower online businesses with complete eCommerce solutions by creating online stores and marketplace portals along with eCommerce mobile apps with third party payment gateways integration.
We leverage modern web technologies and its capabilities to deliver fast loading and easy to maintain browser based apps with native app-like user experience to cross platform web applications.
Our cloud experts help you choose suitable database and manage it on your cloud server infrastructure like AWS, Google Cloud or MS Azure to ensure scalability and robust performance of your applications.
React is not a framework, it’s an open source and component based Javascript library for developing interactive UI. It effectively handles the view layer of mobile and web app. React JS is widely preferred by developers, businesses and startups due to its power packed feature set such as virtual DOM (Document Object Model), declarative and rendering.
AngularJS is a structural Javascript based model view controller framework for dynamic web application development. It allows for the extension of HTML’s syntax to convey the application’s components effortlessly. Promising features includes two-way binding, templating, RESTful api handling, modularization, AJAX handling, dependency injection, etc.
VueJS is an open source Javascript framework that combines modern tools and supporting libraries to build sophisticated single page applications and progressive web applications. In its architect it is incrementally adoptable which lets you create more maintainable and testable codebase.
HTML5 is the latest version of Hypertext Markup Language, the code that describes web pages. These web pages consist of HTML, which provides the structure; Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3), which take care of presentation; and JavaScript, which brings interactivity.
Laravel is one of the highly popular and secured PHP framework which is widely used today for modern web application development. Its comes with built in template engine, object oriented and modular libraries, command line tool named Artisan and MVC architect which makes suffices the needs of robust web application development.
NodeJS is an open source Javascript runtime environment to build secured server based web applications that runs fast. It comes with event-driven architecture, V8 runtime engine and a non-blocking Input/Output API which helps to optimize an application’s throughput and scalability for real-time web applications.
PHP is an open source server side scripting language which is widely used to create exceptional websites, robust backend and server programming with huge community of developers favoring it. All major operating systems and databases offers default support of PHP which makes it’s the most popular choice for website development.
Codeigniter is a powerful open source PHP framework highly used to build full featured dynamic web apps that can load fast. Its features includes MVC architect, useful libraries with proper documentations and controller which are essential for next generation web application development.
WordPress is an online open source content management system written in PHP designed to manage the content of your professional websites, blogs or ecommerce portals. Its vast community support, mobile and SEO friendliness, feature rich functional plugins and easy customization make WordPress a first choice for any web development.
Shopify is all in one ecommerce platform that lets you create finest eCommerce websites and marketplace for your business brand with its versatile ready to use beautiful templates, real time order updates, business insights & single dashboard to manage orders, shipping, and payments.
WooCommerce is an open source, easy to customize ecommerce plugin build on wordpress that lets you create online stores with powerful features utilizing the wide availability of extensions which addresses your specific technical requirements. It comes with developer friendly tools, themes, REST API and easy store management system.
Magento is world’s no one open source eCommerce platform written in PHP that powers eCommerce web development by its powerful features. It empowers small, medium and enterprise level businesses with best eCommerce platforms and flexible cloud solutions to rapidly innovate and grow.
Amazon Web Services has evolved as most comprehensive cloud solutions platform to build, optimize and managing cloud applications. It is highly secure, easy to implement, flexible and scalable. With pay as you go model, Amazon Web Services offers a wide range of different business purpose global cloud-based products.
Google Cloud’s platform helps business to transform digitally by offering robust set of highly secure cloud solutions and technologies. Applications running on Google Cloud Platform GCP deliver consistent experience with speed, reliability and productivity leading to cost saving at scale.
Azure being both IaaS and PaaS keeps you ahead of the curve by providing wide range of hybrid cloud computing services designed to manage your cloud infrastructure that can be scaled on your own terms. Intelligently designed products, tools and services support your development today and vision for tomorrow.
Jenkins is a leading automation server that comes with variety of plugins through which building, testing and deploying any software project becomes very easy. It enhances the agile development process by inducing Continuous Integrations and Continuous Delivery in an automated way.
Understand, Analyze and Suggest. Together we brainstorm project idea, conduct feasibility from end user perspective, provide our suggestions to make the concept meaningful and better.
Design and Refine. We create wireframes and UI/ UX, collect design feedback and create proof of concept of the application to make sure it looks good from end user point of view.
Implement and Integrate. We follow agile scrum development approach to deliver a high quality product by working module by module ensuring smooth development and integration phase.
Monitor and Improve. Every module build go through quality check, bugs are fixed making use of crashlytics and analysis tools to continuously improve the performance of the product.
Launch and Face Market. As your product is ready to meet consumer’s demand, we ensure easy deployment process on the cloud as well as across different platforms.
Scale and upgrade. We help you set prioritize with further development, make product robust by upgrading deprecated methods of coding to ensure its compatibility with the latest OS versions.