iBeacon App Development Services

Transforming businesses with precision and proximity! Our iBeacon App Development services unlock a world of seamless interactions. Elevate customer engagement, boost sales, and redefine user experiences. Connect with us for the future of location-based innovation.

Choose us as your iBeacon Application Development Company

What is iBeacon?
IBeacon is a new indoor positioning system technology from Apple Inc. is Apple’s version of the Bluetooth-based beacon concept, which allows Bluetooth devices to broadcast or receive tiny and static pieces of data within short distances. The technology enables small “beacons” – low-powered, low-cost transmitter devices – to send out messages or notifications to the nearby devices, notifying them of their presence. The broadcaster is always advertising “I am here, and my ID is…”, while the receiver detects these signals and does whatever it needs to do based on how close or far it is from them.
With the information broadcasted by each beacon, the app can detect them and tell how close (or far) the phone is from each of them and then perform actions, display alerts to the user, offer discounts, turn lights on and off, open doors and so on. With the entry of iBeacon in the world of app development, the various ways in which apps interact with users are about to be revolutionized.
With an iBeacon network, any brand, retailer, app, or platform will be able to understand exactly where a customer is in the brick and mortar environment. This provides an opportunity to send customers highly contextual, hyper-local, meaningful messages and advertisements on their smartphones. The opportunities for this local, real-time targeting technology is endless. At Whitelotus Corporation we take the bet that iBeacons will soon be everywhere. We also offer on-demand grocery delivery app development, pos application development and more.
How Does iBeacon Works?
It is very simple but an effective scenario. iBeacon technology is powered by Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). BLE communication consists primarily of “Advertisements”, or small packets of data, broadcast at a regular interval by Beacons or other BLE enabled devices via radio waves.
Apple’s iBeacon standard calls for an optimal broadcast interval of 100 ms. Broadcasting more frequently uses more battery life but allows for quicker discovery by smartphones and other listening devices. Standard BLE has a broadcast range of up to 100 meters, which make Beacons ideal for proximity and indoor location marketing and awareness.


Core Features of Our iBeacon app development services for retail & hospitality works
Access these features on your mobile and web apps designed with customized specifications through our mobile app solutions


Retailers are the first obvious market for ibeacons. At whatever reason a customer enters to your store or outlet, You can welcome them with in-store coupons delivered via beacons to customer phones with ‘store invites’ or specifically sent to their cell telephone consequently by means of an iBeacon like “Welcome to our store”. Check out our latest deals on T-shirt and jeans”. Retail discounts on any item can be drifted to the customer when they are inside the range of an iBeacon and push notices of certain kind in regards to the items close to that particular iBeacon can be sent to the customer’s phone.

Events & TradeShows

IBeacons can be used at music and sporting venues, to communicate information, to point people to complementary content, or promote sales. Customers can read current programme and tweets about the occasion for nothing by means of Bluetooth, no information charges required. Offer participants some assistance with finding their seats with guide direction by means of a produced map. In fact, a number of Major League Baseball stadiums tested Apple’s iBeacon technology at their ballparks this past season.

Public Transportation:

Public transport will no longer be a service provided to an undefined crowd, and has now the chance to become a customized benefit delivered to each individual traveler. The companies in this sector can take advantage of digital capabilities based on iBeacon technology and deliver tailored services and a customized comfortable experience for each client. Expect beacons to be deployed all over airports, train stations, and urban transit hubs to alert travelers of delays, changes, and weather conditions.

Restaurants and Bars

People might deploy beacons at Restaurants and Bars for offer them some assistance with finding what they are searching for with mechanized menus and menu proposals through push notices. Give walker-by discounts to clients when they stroll past your outlet and urge them to come in and appreciate a discounted dinner. They can order via the app. No waiters required. Smooth payments via the app initiating cashless payments.


IBeacons can enrich Airports by improving passenger experience. With Airport iBeacon app, passengers could receive real time information about traffic to and from the airport. It provides navigation and real-time information on immigration and security, flights check-ins, warnings and control on gate closing, gate changing, change in flight boarding and closing time. It helps airports to track passenger behavior like who they are, their location on the airport thereby optimizing security process. Passengers can receive promotional messages and offers from the Duty free shops, restaurants, book stores and other retail outlets at the Airport. With Airport mobile app passengers can get guidance on the schedules, parking, rental car and other shuttle services to, from and at the airport. All this can be achieved with the help of beacons.

Art and Museums

IBeacons at the Museums helps to enhance visitor’s experience by interactivity. By Museum ibeacon app, visitors can get information like the floor plan and navigation along the museum. Imagine beacons are deployed near each displayed artwork or momument, as soon as visitors passby they can recevive related information about that artpiece in form of push notification. Museums can offer self guided tours to the visitors by placing the beacons around the museum, as they approach towards they can get the information directly on their mobile home screens.By placing beacons at the entry, visitors can get recognized by the app installed in their smartphone and hence can get rid of manual ticketing system. Museum mobile app will be supported via backend wherein We can gather and anaylse the data about visitors behaviour which will help museums to improve exhibit locations, study which exhibits are more popular based on measuring the time that visitors spend at particular art thereby enhacing overall visitor experience.

Integrations - Discover even more possibilities

Explore 50+ integrations that make your day-to-day workflow more efficient and familiar. Our extensive developer tools might also strike your fancy.
Google Maps​
Google Maps
One Signal​
One Signal
Facebook SDK​
Facebook SDK
Instagram SDK​
Instagram SDK
Youtube SDK​
Youtube SDK
Azure Services​
Azure Services
Zoom API​
Zoom API
WordPress Rest API​
WordPress Rest API
Shopify REST API​
Shopify REST API
Magento REST API​
Magento REST API

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