Mobile App

How Whitelotus Corp. Go From Idea to App: The Process of Mobile App Development

How Whitelotus Corp. Go From Idea to App_ The Process of Mobile App Development

Developing an awesome mobile application is not an easy task, both developers and business owners struggle to understand the numerous aspects of mobile app development. Many times, business owners are not able to decide which platform to choose for their new mobile app and many times developers are not able to understand the exact requirements of their customers. This causes multiple problems and unsuccessful deployments of a mobile app. But at Whitelotus Corporation, we go though finest mobile app development process so it makes it too easier for both developers and business owners to reach their goals.

The Process Of Mobile App Development

It goes from their initial idea to getting the app directly into the user’s hands, and how to continue to maintain the high level of quality.

1. Planning

a) Idea Generation

Everything start from your customers, you can learn a lot about your customers by watching them (focusing on behaviour) and by listening to them. This will help you easily identify what the most common pain points are, and find ways of solving them. And also ask some question to yourself, Will this Idea make money?, Is this a Unique Idea?, Would anyone enjoy this?.

b) Choose a Platform

Once you have an idea for a Web app, you should carefully plan it before you start to do any coding or design. This will be amazingly obvious to most of you, but it’s a point that cannot be overstated, whether you’re creating a completely new app on which platform because there are two option we have that is either we go with Android or iOS development. For that again ask one question to yourself, that Which platform will benefits you app the most?

2. Development

a) Customer Development

Test you design with potential users to get feedback. It is far cheaper and faster to change things around now than later.

b) Modify Design

Decide what feedback is important to you and change you design accordingly. Keep doing customer development until you are satisfied.

c) Finalize Design

Before you write a single line of code, you need to design the user interface and make it fit the Android or iOS user experience. Your design should be sleek, simple, powerful, and tailored to the Android experience.

d) Software Development

Get used to starting at one of these cleaned and optimized code wins the race. Our optimized coding technique takes care of every little things so that updating of features becomes very easy.

e) Testing

Mobile app testing is time consuming and expensive, yet critical to ensuring our consumers have a positive experience when they use their mobile applications. It is vital that you make sure that the experience is a great one for every consumer every time they use your application, starting with the very first time. If you fail to do a good job app testing, this will result in your customer doing it for you—and unlike your testing team, your customers do not have the tools or the time to report back problems.

successful mobile application

3. Marketing and Distribution

a) Marketing

Now the very important and the most crucial part for the success of your mobile application come in to the action. Without marketing you will need a pair of binoculars to find your app.

b) Prepare app for release

Finalize any code, design and marketing strategies for app release. Make sure to test your app thoroughly!

c) Cross your Fingers

Cross your Fingers unless your app comes into the wilderness. Monitor you crash reports and user feedback carefully.

d) App maintenance

All we know that “necessity is the mother of Invention” so it is quite obvious to prepare yourself to make the necessary changes at the random time. And also a good developer releases update that fix bugs and crashes.

Why Choose Whitelotus Corporation?

Whitelotus Corporation embrace every challenge that comes our way. We understand that our work will become our identity. We want you to succeed and expand by the work we deliver. We take pride in your satisfaction.We believe time is bigger than money. We make sure that your valuable time invested isn’t wasted and turns fruitful. We work hard until you are satisfied. We are here to maintain the trust our customers has built on us that make us the best mobile app developers.

For customized mobile application development,

feel free to contact us by dropping an email to

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