on-demand sales management and invoicing platform


ICS app is crucial on – demand sales and invoicing. Using this platform company can easily manage their daily…

Manage sales & inventory by ICS


ICS app is crucial on-demand sales management and invoicing platform. Using this platform company can easily manage their daily sales and inventory. This platform has two main components: 1.Mobile app for drivers (sales person) 2.Company web admin app.

Company admin has ability to create all product details, Customer details, customize prices list according to customers. Company admin can also create accounts for sales person or drivers to access mobile app. Admin can create documents like invoices, delivery notes, stock receipts and assign them to salesman. Admin can also view documents created by salesman.

Drivers/Salesmen are able to login with provided credentials. Drivers will see all the assigned documents and manage them. Drivers can also create new invoice while scanning product barcode. Driver can generate PDF from invoice and easily take printout from connected portable printer. This app does work in online as well offline mode.

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iPhone App, Android App, Backend & API, Cloud Infrastructure Management

Technology Stack:

ReactNative, MySQL, Laravel, Amazon Web Service





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